Navigating the NDIS Commission
For many providers navigating through the NDIS has been very challenging, to add to this the NDIS on the 1st of July 2018 also introduced the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission for all disability providers. Whilst not all states are rolled out at the same time, the first cabs off the rank are once again New South Wales and South Australia, with other states to follow suit over the next two years.
To assist with the many headaches the NDIS is causing providers, we have put together a simple training session, which is presented by former operational disability leaders and aimed at management and support staff.
If your team can spare three to four hours we will come to your organisation and educate your staff using simple operational scenarios, including but not limited to the following:
What are the six reportable incident categories
How to complete a Reportable Incident Notification and Complaint Form
Notifications and Timeframes
Incident Management Systems
Changes to Restrictive Practice and
Code of Conduct for Workers
Plus, if you are a disability provider with services in NSW, we will also provide your team with a refresher in relation to disability reportable incidents, Part 3C of the Ombudsman Act, 1974 – why? Because if incidents occur prior to the 1stof July 2018 but are reported after this date, they still need to be reported to the NSW Ombudsman Office.
Like us, everybody loves a training opportunity. Participants who have completed this particular training have provided us with overwhelmingly positive feedback, some of which includes:
“Clear and relevant information. Practical scenarios relate to a lot of day to day things we hear about/see” – Team Leader.
“The way it was delivered was clear, specific, informative, fun. I would like to recommend regular trainings on this topic especially to disability support workers” – Manager.
“Application of the framework to real life/work situations. What it looks like to us on the ground as service providers” – Team Leader.
“I find the thorough explanation of each item really valuable. It helps me understand better” – Team Leader.
“Everything was very informative. Learned so much” – Disability Support Worker.
“I now have a better understanding of what is reportable” – Disability Support Worker.
We also asked our participants the following few questions in order for us to improve our presentation and give you more of what you want to hear, look below at what we were told…….
Was this training useful?
97% of participants positively rated eight out of ten or above.
Was the material easy to understand?
94% of participants positively rated eight out of ten or above.
How did you rate the presentation?
97% of participants positively rated eight out of ten or above.
Would you recommend this training?
100% of participants positively rated nine out of ten or above.
Were the practical scenarios useful?
100% of participants positively rated eight out of ten or above.
Here to Help YOU
If you think you and your team would like to learn more about the changes the NDIS Commission have introduced, please contact us today on 0416 334 326 or to discuss training options for your organisation.